We are looking for design specialists in the electric power industry

We are renewing the search for executors for our technical specification for the development of draft legislative and technical documents within the framework of "Promotion of Conservation of Birds of Prey of Kazakhstan". We need specialist designers in the field of electric power engineering capable of performing this work.

The main tasks to be solved by the contractor within the framework of this technical specification:

  1. Development of a draft national standard of bird protection devices (BPD) for wires, supports, traverses, insulators, lightning rods, switchgear and other elements of power transmission infrastructure, which should include requirements for reliability, safety, completion, testing and acceptance, storage and transportation conditions of such devices.
  2. Development and/or adaptation of standard design solutions for bird-hazardous overhead power lines (OPL) to replace the proposed ban on "bird-hazardous OPL structures", or compilation of a list of alternatives from among the existing types of supports/traverses/insulators etc.
  3. Carrying out technical and economic calculations on the cost of equipping 6-10 kV overhead lines with isolation-type bird-protecting devices for nominal 100 km of length, taking into account the normative accounting of anchor supports, as well as the cost of equipping open switchgears of substations with isolation-type BPD for nominal 10 substations.

The full text of the technical specification can be found by downloading the document at the link.

Technical specification for designers (PDF)

Our contacts:

Нурлан Онгарбаев — Исполнительный директор,

Email: nongarbayev@brcc.kz, +7 701 757 0051

Дмитрий Жуков — Менеджер по проектам,

dzhukov@brcc.kz , +7 747 557 9574

Black Kite (Milvus migrans) on power pole with bird-protective covers from the Eko-NIOKR company.

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