Russian Raptor Research & Conservation Network

RRRCN team
RRRCN team

Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network is a non-governmental association of ornithologists, birdwatchers, ornithological and environmental organizations, which in cooperation seek to learn the birds of prey and owls that live in the vast territory of Russia and neighboring countries and promote their conservation.

The network was created in order to combine the intellectual potential, organizational capabilities of citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries for activities aimed at studying and protecting raptors, as well as their habitats; the development of legal and socio-economic mechanisms for optimizing nature management, the formation of an ecological worldview of citizens and the involvement of the general population in active environmental activities.

Anybody, who is interested in observing birds of prey, any organization, whose activities are connected with the study and conservation of raptors, may become a member of the Network. To do this, you should submit the application for membership in the RRRCN group, and begin to participate in various projects of the Network – to watch birds of prey and to share your own observations with friends, to help birds of prey individually or in a group of colleagues, and to present the results of your activities to the community.

Together with RRRCN, we are implementing projects "Protection of the common Saker falcon and the common vulture in the Karatau mountains, Southern Kazakhstan" supported by OSME and "Conservation of endangered species of birds of prey on the Indo-Palearctic migratory flyway in Kazakhstan", supported by CEPF.

3.1 Балобан2.1 Популяция балобана в КЗ2.3 Сохранение балобана и стервятника в горах Каратау2.4 Сохранение исчезающих видов хищных птиц в КЗ
I. Kariakin with a nestling of Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug). Author: N. Ongarbayev

You can learn more about RRRCN activities at the following links:

