Начата работа над проектом по сохранению большой дрофы, которая не знает границ
В августе 2023 года стартовал новый проект “Трансграничное сохранение большой дрофы в Узбекистане и Казахстане”, направленный на спасение одного из редчайший видов птиц в Центральной Азии. Проект реализуется в сотрудничестве с the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) и нацелен на объединение усилий местного сообщества и трансграничного сотрудничества для предотвращения исчезновения большой дрофы (Otis tarda).
Conservation status of the Great Bustard in Central Asia is of serious concern. Its disappearance has become a reality, and today less than 1000 bustards remain in Central Asia. The project aims to draw attention to this unique species and convince the local community of the need to preserve it.
The project includes a massive effort to eliminate threats to the Great Bustard. Among them, the destruction of eggs and nestlings by agricultural machinery and freely moving dogs is the main threat during the breeding season, and poaching – during migration and wintering. Bustards are also prone to collisions with overhead power lines and wind turbines.
One of the main project goals is to raise the community’s awareness of the critical conservation status of the Great Bustard. We plan to actively communicate with the community, conduct educational events and information campaigns. Particular attention will also be paid to cooperation with state authorities to ensure support of conservation measures and their coordination.
The Project “Cross-border conservation of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan” opens the new chapter in the fight for conservation of the biological diversity of Central Asia. It is designed to emphasize the importance of inter-state cooperation to achieve a common goal – the conservation of unique species and ecosystems for future generations.
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